The LSST Stack uses Doxygen to build C++ API reference documentation from comment blocks. Data Access: Storage Locations and Butlerīy writing documentation blocks for all public or protected C++ components (namespaces, types, methods, functions, and constants).S3DF: SLAC Shared Science Data Facility Hosts USDF.LSST Information Technology Services Committee (ITSC).Copyrights for LSST DM work and the COPYRIGHT file.
Licensing LSST DM source code and content.Visual Studio Code Configuration for LSST Development.
SublimeText Configuration for LSST Development. Emacs Configuration for LSST Development. Using Git LFS (Large File Storage) for data repositories. Git Configuration Standards & Recommendations. Distributing Third-Party Packages with EUPS. Managing license and copyright in Stack packages. Testing the LSST DM Stack with the Jenkins stack-os-matrix Job. Building with Jenkins (sqre/infra/documenteer). Building single-package documentation locally. Overview of the Stack documentation system. Documenting Python APIs with docstrings. Using clang-format for LSST Development. Annotating Constants and Variables with Inline Comments (optional). Documenting Constants, Variables, and Data Members. Annotating Enum Values with Inline Comments (optional). Annotating Parameters with Inline Comments (historical). Common Structure of Documentation Blocks. Documentation MUST appear before the declaration it describes, and with the same indentation. Documentation MUST appear where a component is first declared. Documentation SHOULD use Markdown for formatting.
Documentation MUST use Javadoc-style tags.Multi-line documentation delimiters SHOULD be on their own lines.Documentation MUST be delimited in Javadoc style.Boilerplate for Header (.h) and Source (.cc) Files.
Project Planning for Software Development. Backporting Tickets to a Release Branch. DM Development Workflow with Git, GitHub, JIRA and Jenkins. Technotes for Stand-Alone Technical Documentation. Writing change-controlled documentation. Attending and Presenting at Conferences. Configuring your GitHub username in your Slack profile.